Hello Falcon Families,
The time to shine is almost here! Our students are working hard and I’m super proud of them.
Our students have been preparing to take their TELPAS (Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System) assessments this coming week and all our students continue to work hard as they will be taking the STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) in April.
By working together, we can make our student’s test experience positive and successful. Here are some tips our Falcon Families can help our students’ succeed.
Rest Up - Ensure your child gets a good night’s sleep.
Fill Up - Students should eat a nutritious and hearty breakfast.
Show Up - Plan to be on time or early on test day so students don’t feel rushed or anxious.
Speak Up - Encourage your child to take his/her time and do their very best.
Thank you for always encouraging your child to do his/her best. I appreciate your support!
A Special Message For Our Students
It’s nearly time to take the test
What you should do is try your best
The score you earn is one small part
Of many ways that you are smart
A test like this attempts to show
What you’ve learned or need to know
Don’t be scared because you’re ready
Use the strategies you’ve studied
Then you’ll feel proud when it’s complete
An awesome score’s an extra treat
Good Luck HMPS Students’ YOU GOT THIS!
Paula Sanchez, M.Ed.
Principal- HM III